5片内所有小学都有机会入读成都市石笋街学校,也可能会摇到其他学校,46片,小学成都市梧桐小学校。单独设立成为14片。对口初中为成都市铁路中学校梧桐校区。另外。6片中对应的初中成都市铁路中学校梧桐校区,铁路中学校梧桐校区由铁路中学领办,是九年一贯制学校,2021年9月年开学,设计规模30个班,学校由铁路中学派出管理人员进行管理。59片中,小学西华大学附属实验学校,变为单独的新15片。对口初中就是西华大学附属实验学校,相当于学校直接完全直升了。613片,新增片区,单校划片,成都市北路小学校立人校区对口成都市铁路中学校立人校区。 Ideal Citation of Virtues Our school carries out Ideal Citation of Virtues through activities such as the school flag raising ceremony every Monday the national flag raising and flag guarding ceremony of the national flag class every day the 18-year old adult ceremony the themed League Day activities the Young Pioneers activities and the Martyrs Day。预定名额成都初升高玉垒中学签约服务
In April Chengdu Shishi Middle School Education Group was established with Chengdu Shishi Middle School as the leading school At present Chengdu Shishi Middle School Education Group has a total of schools and schools covering nearly 4urban and rural students across the three circles of Chengd..。